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Beth Munro, CPC

Organizing Coach for Life and Home

Moving you from OMG to Ommm….

A Note From Beth

Listen to this short interview with me beginning at 15:33 for a new way to regard yourself regarding clutter …

“Keep what you love & use. Release whatever Justin Case, Miss Cellany & Yeneva Kno made you keep.”
~ Beth

Years ago, when I was studying and then teaching Nutrition, I was most interested in how to foster habits that lead us to our goals of health and maintenance of it. I am a geek, too…I admit it, I loved Biochem, but not as much as sharing information and asking questions that encourage a personalized approach to health. How we nourish ourselves is so fundamentally important.

Over time (& with a nudge from a Psych class in the  Education Department) it occurred to me that there is something even more fundamental than food for our nourishment and our pursuit of health. Those thoughts carried over also to happiness, general well-being and success.

What is that fundamental something? Our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, etc. are the real underpinnings of our nourishment.  They affect whether or not we choose to take good care of ourselves…be that by nutrition or any other part of our life, including the care of our homes, relationships and careers. Our beliefs, thoughts and feelings determine if we shall nurture our creative interests, goals and dreams. Most of us would benefit from reframing so our beliefs, thoughts and feelings become ones that encourage us to invest time and energy into actually, finally…changing the habits/patterns or situations that do not serve our long-range definition of success!

Life coaching was a natural next step. It encourages the ultimate in nourishment via shifting beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and habits/patterns. Obstacles, both real and perceived (they sure feel real!) get dealt with and moved through.

Define Your Success, Coaching for Life & Home evolved from witnessing people’s need for a compassionate, proactive partner in the clearing of clutter, improving organization and designing maintenance systems that “get the job done without spoiling the fun.” Tending to these needs makes space, not just in your home, but also in your heart and mind, for what you really want!

Whether you choose to approach coaching decision by decision or room by room,  or both, let’s connect to explore steps toward your definition of success.

Since you are still reading this, I’ll give you a hint: The FIRST step for many is what I call “Moving You From OMG to Ommm…”   My personal Ommm… is an excited calm, or a calm, focused excitement. How would you describe yours?

It will be a fabulous shift…you’re ready, aren’t you? A complimentary consult awaits you! Not quite ready? Visit my Testimonials page here.

Life Coach Certification
Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

Trained Group Facilitator, Buried in Treasures (BIT)
Mass Councils on Aging, the Department of Mental Health and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Education Prior to Life Coach Training
Graduate degree Education for Adults with a concentration in Nutrition, UNH
Undergraduate degree dual major Business Administration and Spanish, UNH

Continuing Education
School of Hard Knocks and Soft Taps (that follow the whispers of knowing that we eventually learn to stop ignoring!)
My Clients, every single one teaches me something

Community Involvement
Time Trade Network Board
Repair Café Planning Committee
Lantern Festival Organizing Committee
Chalice Circle Steering Committee